
Quit Sense: Making a difference together

Of the three million smokers in the UK who try to quit each year, over 90% don’t succeed. Better support is needed to help smokers to quit and to stay quit.

This study looks at the role that digital support (website, app) could have in helping more smokers to succeed in quitting. The study also looks at the feasibility of providing this support and of running a full-scale randomised control trial in future.

In the study we look at:

• The NHS’s SmokeFree website which includes a wide range of resources to promote quitting (e.g., personal quit plan)

• A newly developed quit smoking app. This app uses a learning tool and location sensing to tailor the timing and content of support messages

What taking part involves


Volunteers were put in groups by a computer and had an equal chance of being in either the NHS's SmokeFree website group or the quit smoking app group.

Voucher codes will be sent by SMS to thank participants who complete the two follow-up surveys (£5, £10), participate in a telephone interview (by invitation only) (£20), and return their saliva kit (only sent to people who report quitting) (£5).

Want to know more?

You can read more about the study by downloading the Participant Information Sheet (PIS) here. You can also view the consent form wording here.

*Please note that this study is no longer recruiting*

Will my personal details be kept confidential?

Yes. All the information that we collect will be analysed and fully anonymised (your personal details removed). Anonymised findings will be shared in reports, presentations, and journals. Your taking part in the study will be kept confidential. We will keep all information about you safe and secure.

Can I have a copy of the results?

Yes. A short summary of the results will be produced and if you like, we’ll send you a copy.